Customer Testimonials

On Absolute Testing:

“Maria worked with me on multiple projects at Zygo Corporation requiring custom optics polished to tight specifications with very low uncertainties.

Some of these large optics measured required absolute areal calibration with figure uncertainties of 1/100th of a wave PV. Maria measured the parts at Zygo, and then calibrated them at the customer’s site after re-assembly to insure our quality.

I never had to monitor Maria’s work since I knew her thorough work would result in measurements as accurate as we could achieve. Maria took care to ‘pull out all the stops’ concerning reference alignment, environment and vibration control, and repeatability before reporting or using a measurement. It was this level of care on the metrology side which enabled the polishers to make these extremely flat pieces, and allowed me to document the metrology for the customer to back up our work.

Maria was occasionally involved with standard parts as well, particularly when a large group was reported to be out of spec in final QC. Maria would be called in to measure these parts to confirm the out-of-spec measurements before rework. Maria’s careful system calibrations, temperature stabilization procedures, and focus techniques usually showed the parts to be better than originally measured, often passing specification. If Maria confirmed they were out of specification, she sometimes helped to identify the cause.

For any project which required testing of parts better than 1/30th wave, I would always ask for Maria first.”

– Mark Mulhern, speaking of AMS’ work for the Special Engineering Request division at Zygo Corporation

On Interferometry Training:

“Maria Robinson is an outstanding metrology professional, well versed in the scientific and practical applications in her field.

Maria not only provided us with an invaluable, timely and quite thorough on site technical training experience to our employees, but also made numerous hardware recommendations that enhanced our process and quality capabilities.

Our employees found her extremely helpful and a true delight to partner (with), and I would strongly recommend her… to anyone who is serious about advancing their metrology capabilities, for unsurpassed quality, value, and results!”

– Dwighd Delgado, speaking of AMS’ 8-week training program at Janos Technology