Optical Testing and Interferometry Services

With AMS optical testing and interferometry services, your samples will be measured accurately by an expert optical metrologist with over 25 years of experience. AMS uses ZYGO interferometers, including a VeriFire™MST for general surface form and transmitted wavefront error, a VeriFire™ with Distance Measuring Interferometry (DMI) for radius of curvature, and the NewView™ for surface roughness and waviness parameters, as well as form of small or non-specular samples. Browse our offerings below, or contact AMS to discuss your specific testing needs.

Large Aperture Interferometry

Using the VeriFire™MST and VeriFire™ with DMI

  • Surface Form, Flatness, Power, Irregularity, Radius of Curvature
    • Flat, spherical, and cylindrical surfaces
  • Transmitted Wavefront Error (TWE, TWD)
    • Windows
    • Lenses / Lens Assemblies
    • CGHs
    • Beamsplitters
    • Prisms
  • Wedge, Beam Deviation
    • Windows
  • Reflected Wavefront Error (RWE, RWD) of Mirrors
    • Flat
    • Parabolic
    • Hyperbolic
    • Elliptical
  • Thickness Variation
  • Homogeneity (PHOM)
    • Windows
  • Angular Errors
    • Prisms, Corner Cubes, Angled Mirrors

Microscopic Interferometry

Using the NewView™ Scanning White Light Interferometer

  • Surface Roughness and Texture
  • Surface Form of shapes or finishes that cannot be measured using Large Aperture
  • Form/Waviness/Roughness Analysis
  • Surface Angles and Geometry
  • Thickness Variation

Optical Certification Services

Absolute Testing of:

  • Transmission Flats, Reference Flats
  • Transmission Spheres, Reference Spheres
  • General Optics

Data Processing in MetroPro® and Mx™

Automate Your Repetitive Processes

  • Custom Results
  • Batch Data Calculations
  • Batch Screen Shot Generations

Don’t see your testing requirement listed? Contact AMS to inquire.

Large Aperture Interferometry

VeriFire™MST with FTPSI, VeriFire™ with DMI

Send your samples to AMS, and we will test them for overall form, radius of curvature, transmitted wavefront error, and more. AMS can discuss your application and design a test plan to provide the results you need. If there is a potential metrology issue at the supplier, AMS can review your manufacturer’s optical testing practices and provide appropriate training if desired.

Form and transmitted wavefront error of flat optics, as well as transmitted wavefront of most optical assemblies are measured using the VeriFire™ MST interferometer. Its wavelength-shifting capability enables isolation of multiple fringe patterns using Fourier Transform Phase-Shifting Interferometry (FTPSI), so your samples do not have to be painted on the back surface to measure the front.

Spherical form and radius of curvature are measured using a 6” VeriFire™ paired with a distance measuring interferometer (DMI).

1K x 1K cameras are used with a choice of 33mm, 4”, 6”, and 12” apertures; contact us if you have a sample that is larger.

Contact AMS today to discuss your large aperture optical testing needs.

Microscopic Interferometry

NewView™ Scanning White Light Interferometer

AMS uses the NewView™ to test samples for roughness, waviness, and other small-scale quantities. Both rigid and slightly pliable materials can be tested.  With low magnification objectives, form errors of small samples that cannot be measured on the large aperture can be measured here.

Contact AMS today to discuss your microscopic testing needs.

Optical Certification Services


Large aperture optical testing requires a high quality reference optic, either a Transmission Flat (TF) or Transmission Sphere (TS). Certification services ensure that this reference is still within its stated specification. Certifications are required to be performed at regular intervals to satisfy ISO 9001 quality standards. AMS’ absolute testing methods are fully traceable, satisfying ISO 17025 standards as well.

Knowing the reference quality gives the engineer an idea of the measurement limitations when using the reference in a relative test. If the part specification is tight, the part measurement may require that the reference error be subtracted from the measurement.

Certifications on a reference optic of 1/20th wave PV are accurate to 1/300th wave or better. Certificates state the measured PV and related uncertainty. A surface map of the optic is provided with every certificate.

Quantities we can certify include flatness, spherical form, and spherical radius of curvature.

Contact AMS today to discuss your absolute testing and optical certification needs.

Data Processing

MetroPro® and Mx™ Software

Perhaps you own an interferometer and have a repetitive procedure that your employees have to carry out hundreds of times per day, such as quickly generating screen shots for a set of measured parts or analyzing multiple subapertures on many parts. Some companies find that they need to satisfy a specification whose result is not available in MetroPro. These are just a of the examples of how AMS has helped optical manufacturers operate more efficiently.

Contact AMS today to discuss your data processing needs.

Additional Testing Services

If you have a testing need that is not listed in this table, contact AMS to inquire.